Tiffany's Massage & Wellness, LLC
Located in The Massage Studio

Services & Rates


30 minutes: $40.00
60 minutes: $70.00
90 minutes: $100.00

Types of massage offered are Deep Tissue, Sports, Therapeutic and Pregnancy.  

Craniosacral (SM)

30 minutes: $40.00
60 minutes: $70.00

Craniosacral Therapy is a gentle yet powerful technique that is effective in releasing neck pain, back pain, and mental stress (among other things). It does this by optimizing the movement of cerebrospinal fluid through the spine and around the skull. Developed by physician William Sutherland, this therapy provides a very soothing and relaxing healing experience.  


30 minutes: $40.00
60 minutes: $70.00

Reiki is a Japanese form of energy work that cleanses and balances the energy system in the body. As a result, the body's natural self-healing mechanisms strengthen, helping to establish optimum health. During a session, I work directly with your energy field to remove blockages, detoxify your system, and restore your vital life force energy. Reiki utilizes a gentle laying on of hands to conduct the necessary energy force between us. The benefits of Reiki range from the release of habitual mental/emotional stress to alleviating chronic pain.